Newsletter 6, 2015/04/30

INFORMED Collaborative Project Kick-off Meeting. Barcelona 9-11 March 2015

INFORMED ( is a Collaborative Project funded by the FORESTERRA Call launched in November 2013. Its scientific objectives are to fill-in knowledge gaps on the basic mechanisms that determine the flexibility of the social-ecological system in response to disturbance; to integrate knowledge by combining different process-based models at various spatial and temporal scales and to use integrated knowledge to develop management strategies as well as policy and governance guidelines to foster forest system resilience. The project is conducted by a consortium of 15 partners from 10 countries from both sides of the Mediterranean.

The INFORMED Kick-off meeting took place in the EFIMED headquarters, at Sant Pau Art Nouveau Site, Barcelona, on 9-11 March 2015. The objective of the meeting was to officially launch the project, to review the objectives and structure of the project and its challenges, to remind the partners of their involvement in the different WPs and tasks, with special attention to data sharing and to the case studies. The meeting was opened by David González, the FORESTERRA Era-Net Coordinator, François Lefevre, the INFORMED Coordinator, and Nicolas Robert, as EFIMED representative. It was attended by the project partners, and also counted on the presence of members of the SAG (Scientific Advisory Group) who expressed their opinion on the challenges in multi-disciplinary and target oriented research, on data sharing and on the inter-disciplinary integration in case studies.


Grazing patch in a Quercus Pyrenaica forest in Alava, Spain


